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NOTICE! 2024 2025 School Calendar Update

Dear LVCS Parents/Guardians,
As a result of a calendar audit from NMPED, it was necessary to amend our calendar to include our seniors for the full calendar year in order to avoid a budget decrease. Therefore, as a result of this, the LVCS Board of Education approved one of three recommended calendar adjustments during the November regular scheduled board meeting.
Please note that any school cancellations will be added as make up days to the calendar as necessary.
We apologize in advance for inconvenience caused as a result of some of these changes. We appreciate your understanding and support..
If you have any questions, please reach out to my office.
Melissa A. Sandoval

November 21, 2024, Regular Board Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Las Vegas City Schools Board of Education will convene a Regular Board Meeting, Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 5:15 pm at the Administration Building Board Room located at 901 Douglas Avenue, Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701.
NM Seal

2024-2025 Student Nutrition Announcement

All students will be served breakfast and lunch at no charge at the following sites: Early Childhood Center (CACFP), Mike Mateo Sena Elementary, Los Niño’s Elementary, Sierra Vista Elementary, and Memorial Middle School/ Robertson High School. Click on the headline to see the document for immediate release.
card chef

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